Pictured above: Tom Homan, former Director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Reform Immigration and 'Right-to-Shelter'

Massachusetts needs to enforce immigration laws, in some cases we are harboring criminals. As thousands of immigrants pour into our State, precious resources are taken away from our Veterans, the elderly, families and children in need. Currently, we are overburdening our communities and  have run out of resources. The Commonwealth has a housing crisis, and it’s only getting worse.  Funds should be reallocated to build and staff facilities that treat the addicted, the mentally ill, and cognitively challenged.

Protect Children In School

Unelected government officials have taken control over our children’s school curriculums. Parents and local school committees deserve more of a voice in these critical decisions. Every parent should get involved and make sure that their child is getting the education they deserve, by monitoring other people’s beliefs and agendas. There is no room for DEI, CRT and Gender Studies in the class room.

Eliminate Reckless Spending

We have gone from having a surplus in the Commonwealth to having a deficit in less than two years. Government spending and payrolls continue to surge in Massachusetts, while local businesses are cutting staff under the weight of new taxes. As citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, we should be encouraging local businesses, not burdening them with more taxes and regulations.

Care For Our Veterans

Massachusetts politicians put Veterans last when it comes to housing and career opportunities. We can do much better for our Veterans, and it’s about time we treat them with the respect they deserve.

Preserve Our Freedom

We are loosing our freedoms in the Commonwealth. Our Second Amendment is under attack. We are being forced to make changes to how we live our lives from the cars we drive, to the way we heat our homes and cook our food. Our daughters are now having to compete against boys in sports. Where does it end?

MBTA Communities

The Commonwealth mandates that cities and towns build housing that will overburden our communities. Our lawmakers have voted against making American citizens a priority. If we give our State government an inch, they will take a mile!


Transparency is a huge issue under one-party rule in this State. Legislative decisions are being made behind closed doors, without any input from the public. Democratic leaders are bundling unrelated policies into single pieces of legislation to avoid voting on individual policies. Instead of actually debating serious issues, Speaker Mariano and Senate President Spilka are jamming unpopular policies, and outrageous spending through the legislature for the Healey-Driscoll Administration to happily sign off on.

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