Meet Karla
Karla is a native of Chelmsford and has been a resident of Lowell for 22 years. She is married with a daughter and a granddaughter. Her business background, hard work ethic, along with her passion, and integrity qualify her for the position of State Senator. She is a problem solver and has always been financially responsible and fiscally conservative. If elected, she will be relentless in raising money for the entire 1st Middlesex District.
Why I'm Running
I am running for the State Senate seat for the 1st Middlesex District, because I believe we deserve better. OurĀ elected representatives on Beacon Hill have taken us for granted. Our government is spending money faster than we, the taxpayers can earn it. Our Communities are facing the burden of an irresponsible government that spends our tax dollars to support unfettered immigration, to the detriment of our communities. Our schools are dealing with an influx of new students, we are having to find tax payer funded housing in a state with one of the highest living costs. Our law enforcement is forced to deal with the impact of increased criminal activity. We cannot afford to stay on our current trajectory.
As citizens, we deserve to know our communities are safe and that our tax dollars are being allocated to improve our cities and towns. However, that is not the case. We are funding an influx of immigrants that we know little to nothing about. We are using our community centers and Veterans’ homes to house them. We are spending money to provide food, medical care, and housing, while we ignore the needs or our Veteran and homeless population.
Our economy in this State has gone from bad to worse. We have one of the highest living costs due to inflation and taxes. Middle and lower- income families as well as senior citizens are feeling the impact of the State’s tax and spend policies. We are past the point where we can afford to not take notice that the Commonwealth is misappropriating our tax dollars. Our law makers refuse to reduce the income, sales or gas tax to lesson the burden on our seniors and low- to -middle income taxpayers.
Additionally, the State government is forcing itself further and further into the lives of our families and children. School districts exclude parents from making decisions about their children. Our daughters are now having to compete against boys in sports. We are being forced to make changes to how we live our lives, from the cars we drive, to the way we heat our homes, and cook our food. Towns and cities are being mandated by the state to build housing that will overburden their communities. All while we are being restricted from defending our families and ourselves.
It is disheartening that in the state that was the birthplace of our nation’s independence, our state is curtailing our freedoms, injecting itself deeper into our lives, and bankrupting us, the taxpayer.
I am asking for your support to stop this insanity. If elected I will serve the people of the 1st Middlesex District to fight to end uncontrolled spending and the intrusion into our lives.